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Browsing Libros de Springer by Title

Browsing Libros de Springer by Title

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  • Quarteroni, Alfio; Saleri, Fausto; Gervasio, Paola (Springer, 2014)
    1. What can' t be ignored, 2. Nonlinear equations, 3. Approximation of functions and data, 4. Numerical differentiation and integration, 5. Linear systems, 6. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 7. Numerical optimization, 8. ...
  • Arslanian, Henri; Fischer, Fabrice (Springer, 2019)
    This book, written jointly by an engineer and artificial intelligence expert along with a lawyer and banker, is a glimpse on what the future of the financial services will look like and the impact it will have on society. ...
  • Nakayama, Keiko (Springer, 2019)
    This monograph presents potential remedies for some of the current environmental issues in developed countries in a theoretical or empirical manner with the interdisciplinary approaches of economics, statistics, and ...

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